Siperiankurmitsa Pacific Golden Plover in winter or transient plumage

Kuvaus: Note the variation of intensity of grey depending on amount of light. Also note typical shape: sharp wings and tail.

Avainsanoja: Mai Po Hong Kong April 2011

Isokirvinen Richard´s Pipit  Anthus richardi

Arvostele ( 0 )

Piikkipyrstökiitäjä White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus

Kuvaus: There is also another species, which is possible in Yunnan: Silver-backed needletail Hirundapus conchinensis. It has more darkish throat, and also there is difference in colour of back. This species is not excluded from these individuals with certainty.According to litterature the throat area can be quite pale in Silver-backed. Photo is taken from migrating flock of swifts.

Avainsanoja: Yunnan China Nabang April 2011

Harmaapääsirkku Emberiza spodocephala Black-faced Bunting male

Arvostele ( 0 )

Kuvaus: This is tricky individual. Apparently it is male (black area in lores). According to Byers et al (Buntings and Sparrows)even non-breeding adult males seldom look like this (having more male-like pattern in head). It could be 2cy male. According to Svensson,in spring primary coverts of 2cy males are worn, pointed and wing and tail feathers are also worn. In another photo..tail feathers are worn in this individual. Another problem is subspecies. In Hong Kong mostly two races are typical (Viney et al The Birds of HK and South China): ssp spodocephala and sordida (commoner). Also personata is possible. In sordida underparts are approxinately more yellowish and in ssp spodocephala whiter. Also striking is blacker in sordida in flanks. This individual could be ssp sordida.

Avainsanoja: Hong Kong China April 2011